Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Story Telling

The Storyboard in which i created was using the images in which I recieved for the assignment and than in my head i drew out a story based around the images. The first story I came up with was based upon a soccer sceen and a man praying. I tried to relate the two by having the man prey for his son to perfom well during the soccer game. I used the image of the prayer man to start the story. As the story built the other image were of boys in a attempt to block a soccer penanlty kick. The team was unsucessful in blocking the shot and loss to a girls soccer team. After coming up with the idea and playing around with it in my sketch book I googled searched images that would connect the story and have it make sense. I am pleased in the way the story came out. I had diffiuclty finding the exact images in which I imagained in my head and how the story would go. However, i was able to find images in which helped the story make sense and connect the two images in which were assigned. Overall, I am pleased in the way the story came out. 

My second story I created was to only use one image and create a story around it. The image I chose was of the girl in the lemon orchard. The reasoning for choosing this was because my mother grew up on a lemon farm and I go to the farm to visit my grandparents. The story in which I created was actually a true story. One time on the farm I went and picked a bucket full of lemons. We left the next day and went back to San Diego with the bucket of lemons in the back of the car. Once in San Diego my Mom helped me take the lemons and create lemonade. With the lemonade I sold it at the beach and made 25.00 dollars. I was excited with the amount of money I made at a young age. I wanted to demonstrate my own life experience and create a similar story. However, the image in which i had to use was of a little girl. I framed the idea of the little girl with my own life lessons to create the story of the little girl gathering lemons and setting up a lemonade stand. I am pleased in the way this story came out. 
If I had more time I think I would of tried to Google search a image of the process of converting lemons into lemonade. At first I was confused on how to create stories with the unique pictures in which were assigned. Although with a little thought process and playing around with different story topics I am pleased with the overall outcome of the storyboard.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



 The graphs in the above images demonstrate the # of team from the top four districts in college sailing and their appearances at College Coed Nationals. The reasoning for doing a demonstration like this is because up until 2007 there was a set number of teams from the 7 districts that could sail at nationals. The set number was based off of how many teams were in a district. Although this system seemed to be even at the times districts such as the one Roger Williams is in had much better teams compared to other districts. College sailing got rid of the district rule and changed the format to a semi-final and final style format. This allowed for the best teams to be able to compete at Nationals rather than some of the best competing against alright teams who made it to nationals only because they competed in a weak district. The above pie chart shows that over the past 5 years the New England district (NEISA) has had the most amount of teams appear at Nationals. The second best district would be the Middle Atlantic district (MASIA).  The third best district in college sailing would be the South Atlantic (SAISA) with teams of College of Charleston and University of South Florida consistently qualifying for nationals.  The last disrict who seems to not be as competitive as the east coast college districts would be the west coast district Pacific Coast (PCCSC) with Stanford University qualifiying for the nationals over the last 4 years. The reasoning of demonstrating this out is because before the new format Roger Williams was unable to qualify for the National Championship because NEISA was only given 5 spots. Since the change of the format NEISA district in 2010 had 9 schools including Roger Williams qualify for the Nationals. NEISA and MASIA seem to be the two domonating districts with the most amount of team appearances at Nationals. I found this to be useful information because most kids who go to school to sail don't understand how important it is to compete in a competitive district. By having a visual representation a kid looking at colleges would want to consider looking at schools in the NEISA or MASIA districts based upon the amount of schools that appear at Nationals.

The new format also shows that in the past years when they association capped the number of schools from each district that the best sailing teams were not actually competing at Nationals. Under the new format this allows for the best teams to compete at Nationals. To make it to nationals a school must qualify to go to semi finals and then once at semi finals a school must got top 9. Nationals consist 1 of the top 9 team (schools) from both semi-final events. The total number of teams at nationals is 18. Last nationals 9 teams appeared from the NEISA distict including Roger Williams University. 

Overall I am pleased in the way my two graphs came out. However, if I had more time to do the project over again I would of tried to use Excel more to my advantage. My weak knowledge of the program held me back from creating the best visual possible with a great amount of detail. I am though pleased with the topic in which I chose to demonstrate because I am heavily involved with College Sailing and something like this has never been graphed out before. I think it is an important visual for people to see and understand how competitive the top 2 districts are compared to the rest. Overall, I am pleased with this assignment and will present it to the board at the next NEISA meeting to see if College Sailing organization would like to use the data and information in which I have gathered and visually represented. 

Hopefully my next visual will be of Roger Williams University not only appearning at Nationals but winning it also!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Flow Chart

The Flow chart in which I created demonstrates how to buy a book on Amazon. I often don't purchase books on Amazon because I like walking into a book store so I had to research a little bit to figure out the steps and process. I first tried drawing out the flow chart but realized it was difficult to create a even flow of same size arrows and boxes. My second attempt was using powerpoint. In the powerpoint program I found it a little easier to create a flow chart. However, I struggled with font sizes because some boxes contained more information than others. If I had more time to do this project I would of tried to figure out how to make the boxes and fonts the same size with everything looking perfect. I am pleased in the way the overall project turned out. I think a flow chart like this is important because it is helpful to be able to see and understand all the steps. Someone who would benefit from this chart would be my mother who never purchases anything online. A step by step with simple "yes" or "no" would help her in the overall process. If I also had more time I would of tried to create better colors for the chart. However, I feel that Powerpoint does not offer good colors to work with. I enjoyed this process and I would use powerpoint again in creating the chart. 

"When Boats on Opposite Tacks Meet"

The explain graphic in which I was trying to represent was when boats meet on opposite tacks. In sailing there are no stop sign or traffic signals like when driving a car and meeting at a intersection. When sailing there are rules in which boats have to sail by in order for there not to be collisions. In sailing a starboard boat has right away over a port tack boat. The port tack boat must avoid the starboard tack boat. According to rule ten in the racing book, "When boats are on opposite tacks, a port-tack boat shall keep clear of a starboard-tack boat." The graph shows the starboard tack boat holding its course up wind. The port tack boat has two options to avoid the starboard tack boat. Option A the port tack boat can alter its course and take the stern of the starboard tack boat and continue its sail on port. The other option the port tack boat can do is tack (Cross head to wind) and come down to a close-hauled course on starboard tack. The port tack boat shall avoid contact with another boat if reasonably possible.

The reasoning I chose to demonstrate this is because often times sailing rules can be very difficult to understand and the rule book has no diagrams to explain situations that may occur on the water. The Port/Starboard situation is one that occurs most often in racing. In sailing the color green represents starboard and the color red represents port. I used these colors in the diagram to help someone understand what tack each boat were on. Overall, I am pleased in the way the diagram turned out. If i had more time to do this assignment I would of tried to demonstrate the actual actions in which i boat would have to do in order to avoid the Starboard tack boat. I feel that a sailor understand the situation easily especially with the diagram and one who did not sail could also have a understanding of a boat avoiding contact with another boat and having two options to do so.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Visual Essay

The reasoning I chose "How To Place a Horse Racing Bet" was because ever since I was five I have been going to the race track. My Great Uncle Tom owned horses and I would spend the summer studying and learning the race industry from him. After spending many summer days at the race track and watching the races I got hooked on the betting side of the business. My Great Uncle Tom and his assistant Jim taught me everything about betting, odd, jockeys, owners, race types, and everything else about the horse racing industry. I soon was placing my own bets and analyzing each race. However, when trying to teach my friends about it I found it difficult to teach someone who knew nothing about the track. There was also no visual demonstration on betting. I decided for my visual essay I would create a diagram that describes the basic steps to placing the bets. My goal was to set it up in a way that one could either just look at the pictures alone and understand the concept. My other goal was that one could read and have a understanding also. The combination of visuals and words though would help a person understand by using both sides of their brain and taking it from primary knowledge converting it to secondary knowledge and storing it in long term memory. Meaning that they could do the steps over again if they were to go to the track at another time and not have to look at the cognitive concept again. Overall I am pleased about the way it turned out and I know my Great Uncle Tom would be excited about it also.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Yummy Pasta

The pasta instructions in which I created were to help someone in creating a dinner dish. I wanted to make sure that the visual representation was easy for one to understand. The level I was trying to teach would be a first time chef. Things in which I thought worked well was the basic steps. I felt that someone could have a good understanding of the process and not get confused. After I created the visual representation of how to make a pasta dish, I asked my roommates if the could follow the steps and understand what I was trying to instruct. All 3 of my roommates understood the overall thought process and idea of how to cook pasta.

If I had more time to do this project again I wish i could created a little key/legend on what you need at the very start. Having a legend I feel would help someone who was going to the store and wondering specifically what they needed for the recipe. I also looking back wish I created one last step and that would be to actually show the final dish of pasta on a plate ready to eat.

Overall though I am happy with the outcome and found this project to be fun and creative. My pasta dish is plain and simple though. Next time maybe I would create a visual representation of how to prepare a dinner for a intermediate cook or possibly expert.