Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lawn Chemical Solution

When creating the lawn problem solution I wanted to make sure I created something simplistic but also easily understandable for someone to fallow. The images in which  chose were a insect and a insect with a cross through it. The difference between the two were that one represented insects being present and the one with the cross represented insects not present. To distinguish between dry and wet I used image of rain drops for wet and cactus to represent dry. Lastly I used the sun to show temperatures of above 90 degrees and clouds for temperatures below 90 degrees. I felt when looking at the images without content one could still understand the formula for the lawn. After completing my first graph to the lawn problem I came to the conclusion that there was a lot of information for a person to process especially if it were to be placed on a back of a package. I remembered certain math concepts that simplified large equations. Using what I remembered and the skills that  I have learned in visual communications I used the same images as the first map of directions however changed the set up into a much more simple formula. The end result being the same however I feel the second one would appear easier to understand on the back of a package. I'm happy in the way my formula turned out.

If I had more time to do this project I think  would of tried to come up with a different image to represent dry. If I were to place this on the back of a package I would have created a little legend with the definition of what the image were to represent. This way it would be even more simplistic for the consumer.

Overall  I am pleased with the outcome of my two lawn chemical solution problems. Doing the problem in two different visual forms really helped with the understanding of the cognitive load. Luckily for me my house is built on a steep hill side we we don't have lawn and I do not have to worry about a lawn chemical solution. If though I did have to use this I would probably use B-1. No Bugs, Dry, temperature below 90 degrees and loving perfect San Diego.

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