Tuesday, December 14, 2010


        When deciding what to do with our group visual we had
trouble coming up with an idea at first. We wanted to make something
that would showcase what we learned this year, but we did not want to
make a 3D replication of any of the maps we did this year because we
did not feel it was original enough. As our group walked around the
craft isle of the store, we decided to look at the kids games for
inspiration. We saw an array of bright colors, characters, symbols,
and numbers. We threw a few ideas in the air, including a dart board
and 'the price is right' game, until one of us saw the game Yahtzee on
the shelf. We then decided we would make a giant dice and turn our
presentation into something fun rather than just a lecture.
       As we started to build the giant dice, we discussed how we would
incorporate what we have learned into our presentation while rolling
the dice and landing on numbers 1-6. We discussed dual coding, and how
we should use symbols as well as words to explain to the class what we
have learned. We finally came to the conclusion that we would make a
colorful poster with the numbers 1-6 to go along with the dice, and as
we roll the dice we will select whatever image is behind the
corresponding number on our poster, and explain it to the class.
       When putting together our presentation we used color, symbols, and
numbers, along with a little bit of talking aloud to help the class
dig into their long term memories. We hope that with our presentation,
the class will be able to recall what they learned about each of the
maps that we select, and that we will decrease the cognitive load with
our simple visual. By using "the least ink" possible, our message will
come through clearly, and our fellow students brain's will not be
cluttered with information and confusion during our presentation. In
the end, we realized that our visual is pretty simple. However, we
feel that being clear and to the point demonstrates everything we've
learned this year.
When creating the final project, our group brained stormed together in order to create something in which we could teach everything we have learned. Overall when reviewing what I learned this semester in the course I realized that in this particular class I learned more than in others. I was shocked in the amount of different graphs and charts that I learned to create. I feel that this class not only will help me with future public relation courses and communication classes but also with daily life skills. I am glad that I chose to take this class as an elective and it will help me in future classes and also the working indursty one day.

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