Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mind Maps

What I was trying to Achieve?
In creating the mind maps I was trying to focus on sailing. Sailing has been apart of my entire life and I was trying to put all my thoughts down and trying to figure out why I sail and why it makes me happy. The reasoning for this was because over the weekend I performed bad in a sailing event and my coach simply asked me "What makes you happy about sailing?" At that moment I did not have a response. I starred at him with a blank face and told him "Its something I have always done." I decided to mind map everything in sailing in which I have enjoyed in my life. Things I never thought about popped up into my head that related both happiness and sailing. In the end after mind mapping out sailing I realized winning events is not what makes me happy. The entire concept and life style is what I truly enjoy about it. I like the feeling of being on the ocean alone and I enjoy all the people within the sport. 

After mind mapping the overall topic of sailing one of the things that came up was the yacht club in which I grew up at and race for all my life. San Diego Yacht Club has been apart my entire life and most of my childhood activities took place at the club. The up coming problem though is that at age 23 I have to become a member on my own and no longer can use the club as a child of a member. Becoming a member is not only a long process but also is very costly for a young adult. I wanted to mind map everything I enjoy about SDYC and see if it is something in which I continue to want to be apart of.  After mind mapping sailing and my yacht club I have realized the sport makes me happy and that I want to join the club so one day my family can grow up and have the same experience and opportunity  in which I did.

Problems in which I had when creating the mind map was that the drawing of certain important images I found difficult. I also had problems with using sharpie first. If i were able to do my mind maps again I would of first used pencil so that way when I created a mistake I could fix it instead of having to start all over.

If I had more time to complete this assignment or do something different I would have tried to use better choice of colors to represent the more important thoughts going on through my head. I felt my color choice was off on a few key words so they don't stand out as much as I wish they did. However, in the end this assignment helped me solve the question in which my coach asked me over the weekend when competing at MIT, in Boston which was, "What about sailing makes me happy?"

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